Kaikki Wanda Kille Wanttu Baby

Untitled Document

FIN*Rollick Fear Of The Dark
Trine's BLOG
(Musiikki/Music from: www.ironmaiden.com)



San Francisco




San Francisco




Trine still doing fine..

Got a messege from Trines slaves today. She is doing fine and is just enjoying life with her son \"Morris\". One of her slaves has been to the hospital and done some surgery so Trine is very happy to have \"her lap\" back to sleep in ;) She is very fond of snacks and take every chance to get some!



Trinen pennut syntyi 27.9.2008

Trinelle syntyi viisi pentua Ruotsissa. Ikävä kyllä yksi tyttöpentu menehtyi. Pentueeseen syntyi positiivisena yllätyksenä yksi sinitäplikäs. Pennut asuvat Tukholmassa.

Pennuista lisää: http://www.junglespots.se/tillsalu.htm



Trine goes berserk at the vet

Last tuesday we were at the vets place with some of our kittens to get their 2:nd vacination. Trine likes the car ride okay I must say..
She was first out to get her rabies shot and was fine with that. But when she noticed that that was all there was..and we were going on to vaccinate and cuddle with the little ones..she was berserking her cage! Biting, scratching and growling..everything to get out and take the kittens place as Number One Pet-cuddless!
Unfortunately she coudlnt come out again but when we was at home..it was clear that SHE had been the most good of all! Doing the ocicatwalk with her sexy style and the tail in top :)
My lap was unavailable for other kittens than Trine that evening (no matter what I had to say..) :)



Trine - Doing the ocicatwalk



Trine - Queen of the House



Trine as half Sabretoothed

So the topic is a bit strange :)

One day when Trine was playing in the sofa while I was watching TV with a furball..suddenly she just got a blackout and attacked the poor little furball, which screamed in terror..
A bit odd behaviour I thought but sometimes she get the little furballs a hard time ;)
I took her and she looked at me and when I looked at her I saw her tounge was moving in her mouth, like she had a hair or something. I looked in her mouth and saw one of her teeth on the lip..obviously she must have bitten herself or to hard in the mouse so the tooth was loosen up and felt off..and it might have hurted a bit ( if I think what her reaction of the furball was) ;)
Here is Trines tooth. She is nowadays growing new Sabreteeth at 5 month of age.



Just wanted to write :)

Today I woke up with Trine almost in my face..she likes to sleep close like a little snake besides me :)

She really don\'t like the little furballs we have at home for the time beeing..they are very nasty and despite her attempts to scare them they just don\'t react..

The one she is closest with is Tuff, for 5 minutes ago they laid in my skin-chair up in my room and washed eachother :)

I also saw one of the nights when Benny came up in my bed (Benny is a big persianmale who has a lot of hair) and Trine where there to..I pretended to sleep and I saw Trine just putting her whole head into Bennys fur..and sniffed a lot and just held her head there...it looked like she liked the long, cosy hair :)

She also likes to sleep on one of the scratching trees at the window..it\'s not so high but it stands so she can look out and look out over the whole room. We have an very, very old ozelot skin lying there wich Trine has \"killed\". It\'s a real skin and at first I think Trine almost thought it was alive! She almost teared it apart and was ripping hair of it..
When she finnaly had \"killed\" the skin it now resides as her favourite carpet to lye on :)

Just so you don\'t think I\'m collecting animal skins..my father is an old removalman and when they moved an old hat-store in the 80\'s there was this beautiful skin..he thought it was to sad to throw it away so he kept it.
When you pet it it feels nothing like an domestic cat..pretend a very very silky bengal..there you haver the feeling.
Of course Tirne likes the best.. :)

This weekend Trine and some furballs will go to a catshow..maybe I said this before in the blogging..well it\'s fun so it has to be mentioned an extra time :)
It will be exciting to see what the judges thinks about Trine this time :)

Regards Sabina and Trine



Trine is very photogenique I must say :)

We do love her a lot..for ther moment she is sleeping on my new-washed blanket..deep in sleep as she now and then snatches a bit :) I wonder what she dreams of..



Just Trines Looks :)




So, Finally I could borrow moms camera :) I have found out my own cameras problem now. But since mom get a external flash I can manage to take some pics ;)
Trine was the first victim!
Here she is sunbathing in the window..



Trines first show

Hi folks!

Some news from Trine!
Trine has some trouble to get in the persian-flock ;)
She has better contact with Tuff ofcourse and also with Kiri, my neuter female. Other than that..she eats a lot, always first in the kitchen looking for snacks and sleeps in my bed :)
The first night out in the home she was sleeping on my belly..big, warm and cosy ;)

This weekend Trine was on her first catshow. She was Ex2 on saturday and Ex1 and NOM on sunday. She just hissed one time at the showtable but then it came in to her mind that this was the place to be for everyone to look at her! Purring, playing and laying on her back in Eric\'s arms :)

She was more staisfied in a catcage y herslef than with other..ofocurse when you sit with two other cats there are more to take the attention away from her.. ;)

On saturday she was sitting in Pers lap and he was eating a sandwich with cheese on it..Trine must have thought that it looked good because in the other second she just grabbed it and took a big bite and chewed..looked at us like \"What? I must eat to *ss*\"

Trine was not at all disapointed at the Excellent 2..she had done the best she could and everyone else in the show knew that she was the best (in the whole show), she settled with that argument and we let her be :)

Trines next show will be in Höör ad then she will have time to discuss some things in finnish because on of her judges will be Jaana Jyrkinen.

Hugs Trine (And Sabina)



Trine is safe home!

Soo..now Trines is in her new home :)
For the first days she will be in a room with Tuff, a cremetabby exotic boy who she learnt a bit more about when we picked her up in STHLM. Ofcourse she has already shown him who is the Queen..she is the one to decide wich games they will play and when they will sleep ;)

She has started to accept Tuff as she realized what Pekka said..in a matter of fact he has 4 legs and a tail no matter what she thought about him at the first sight. Maybe he can be valuable for her or in other ways useful? Let\'s see what happens.

Soon she will be let out of the room and it will be a pretty neat picture when she notice that everyone in this house has a flat face and lots of hair. Even more funny it will be when she notice that one can play with them :)

My camera is ruined for the time but I will get a new camera-battery soon so I can get some pics of Trine. One can\'t miss the oportunity to see Trines face when she is let out, hehe ;)

Hugs from Sabina & Trine, also Per says hello!




Hmm... she is a bit jumpy? (She is in the picture)

Playful, joyful, full of energy!

Please follow the blog to see how Trine grows.



Trine on the way to new home

Rock on!

On Friday (not the 13th luckily?) Trine went over seas to Stockholm to spend a wild weekend with Cisly & co. before moving to the new home. The ferry trip went so well, she was nto crying at all, just playing around with toys in the cabin. She slept the whole night on the pillow of Anne.

During the time we were waiting for Sabina to arrive, Trine was playing and sleeping on the couches of SAS Radisson bizz lounge, without any fear of the surrounding people.

Tue 22.10.2024 05:40:49

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