Kaikki Wanda Kille Wanttu Baby

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FIN*Rollick Rock-A-Hula Baby
Hula Tiffany's BLOG



San Francisco




San Francisco


Daniel Ivanov


Regards from Hula Tiffany

Dear Friends of Ocicats

Summertime! Hula Tiffany is alive and kicking and she spends a lot of her time in the garden. Nowadays even a few rain drops are no more a reason to seek shelter in the house as long as there is something interesting to see or to do outside. Her favourite play is to chase blades of gras we are waving.

Daniel Ivanov


Regards from Hula Tiffany

Although Hula Tiffany seems to enjoy the liberty of movement in the garden, she prefers to be close to her human friends most of the time.

Daniel Ivanov


Regards from Hula Tiffany

Dear virtual visitors of Rollick Cattery

Hula Tiffany is doing fine. To share your home with Hula Tiffany means to comply with some basic rules. For instance:
1. Never leave your open yoghurt unattended, not even for a few seconds.
2. Never leave letters or envelopes on the table because she is always ready to give you her special tooth seal on the paper.
3. Watch your step when you are entering the bathroom because she might have created a new sand dune.

September 10, 2007
Daniel Ivanov

Daniel Ivanov


Regards from Hula Tiffany

Hula & Alexia

Daniel Ivanov


Bottmingen, Switzerland

Dear Friends of Ocicats

Today Hula Tiffany is exactly one year of age. This is a good reason to write a few lines to her breeders and to the virtual visitors of Rollick Cattery. This is a good opportunity to thank Anne and Pekka again for this beautiful and special cat.

Since Ocicats are very rare in Switzerland and Hula Tiffany is such a beauty, she will always be an indoor cat and will never be left outside unattended. On the other hand Hula Tiffany and her fellow cat Alexia have learned to respect the fence of our garden as the limit of their safety and freedom. Therefore recently Désirée and I have permitted the two girls to stroll and run (that is \"rollick\") in the garden unleashed for thirty to sixty minutes on a regular basis, rainy and cold days excepted. It\'s a special delight to see the cats performing a full speed run through the garden.

Unlike her fellow cat Alexia, Hula Tiffany seems to be a passionate tree climber. However, her permission to climb on trees is restricted to our apple tree (see picture), because it is a small tree and because there is no bird\'s nest on it.

October 21, 2006
Daniel Ivanov

Pekka & Anne



Time flies, indeed. It was just a moment ago we had the girls growing with us. And today, they reached the age of one year. I mean really, are we getting older or does the time go faster.

Out of our hearts the biggest congratulations to Hula Tiffany in her first anniversary! May all gods be following Hula, Alexia and the homble servants Désirée and Daniel!

Best Regards,
Anne & Pekka & ocicats: Wanda, Melli, Kille, Wanttu and Baby & manx Kike & cymric Blondi &&& ocicat kittens: Rellu, Unna, Simo, Sade and Dami!

Daniel Ivanov



Dear Friends of Ocicats

Today Hula Tiffany is more than ten months of age and weighing roughly 3.2 kilograms. She is a very active cat regularly seeking interaction with her human friends and her fellow cat Alexia. When I call her she usually replies with a short miaow and approaches - unless she has more important things to do (like taking a nap oder chasing spiders). The friendship of the two cats is like the weather: sometimes they are jealous and fighting (rain) and sometimes they are discovering together new things and places or warming each other while they take a nap (sunshine). However, they would never do harm to each other.

When Hula Tiffany (the \"talkative lady\") is walking around she often has her tail straight and up. I had thought that this pose was her individual characteristic (as the dominant cat in our house), until I saw Pekka\'s beautiful photos of Ocicats outdoors. Now I assume that this pose is a typical Ocicat phenomenon.

Bottmingen, August 28, 2006

Daniel Ivanov


Bottmingen, Switzerland

Dear virtual visitors of Rollick Cattery

Hula Tiffany is weighing roughly 2.6 kilograms today ­ still some grams to put on to become a grown-up. Last Friday our neighbour, an elderly lady, had a closer look at Hula Tiffany in the garden and remarked that our little Finnish friend was an exceptionally beautiful cat. However, Désirée and I are not only enjoying Hula\'s outward appearance, but also her good-natured character and her well-balanced temperament.

Although Hula Tiffany is ­ and will be ­ an \"indoor cat\", we are offering her attended walks on a leash in the garden. She seems to enjoy these walks very much ­ we, too. Her latest hobby is to climb into our shirts, to warm herself up, and sometimes to stick her claws into the textile. Fortunately we are not wearing new or expensive clothes at home.

May 15, 2006
Daniel Ivanov

Tiina & Juha


Herttoniemenranta , Helsinki

Daniel Ivanov


Bottmingen, Switzerland

Dear virtual visitors of Rollick Cattery

I think that Hula Tiffany likes to walk on our computer keyboards (while we are working), because the computer provides a cosy temperature and because she wants to tell us: „Here I am and I am demanding your attention.“ Two weeks ago Hula Tiffany pressed the right keys to rotate Désirée’s notebook display 90 degrees. It took us almost ten minutes to restore the original display mode.

Hula Tiffany is growing (weighing approximately 2.2 kilos today) and becoming stronger every day. Maybe one day she will be as big as her father Elvis. – Hello Tiina and Juha! She is a talkative girl and the dominant cat in the family. Since she is playing passionately, she sometimes (unfortunately) pushes smaller Alexia out of the mutual play. Therefore we have to give Alexia some separate playing time. Hula Tiffany is a very active and curious cat. She enjoys sitting by the window and watching what happens in the garden, for instance: birds flying, raindrops falling, or a bumble-bee buzzing around.

Tiina & Juha


Herttoniemenranta , Helsinki

It was so nice to hear some news and see some photos of little girl Hula Tiffany.
We have the father , Elvis.
We are so happy that Hula Tiffany has been found nice home and family with a young siamese also.
The hobbies are the same as father; computers!
The father has also company of siamese, Killi 11 years and Nekku , ocicat 4 years old.

Daniel Ivanov


Bottmingen, Switzerland

Dear virtual visitors of Rollick Cattery (part 4)

This morning Hula Tiffany met her Swiss vet. She was the first Ocicat ever in his surgery (therefore he was curious, too). Although she was a bit excited (probably because she is not very enthusiastic about car drives), she greeted the vet in the same kind and gentle manner she had greeted us on the arrival in her new home. According to Pekka’s information Hula Tiffany weighed 1.8 kilogrammes when she left Finland, today she tipped the vet’s scales at 1.95 kilos.

Daniel Ivanov


Bottmingen, Switzerland

Dear virtual visitors of Rollick Cattery (part 3)

On February 9 Hula Tiffany met her new companion Alexia. She is a Siamese cat (blue point) and a little younger (one week) than Hula Tiffany. There was no friendship at first sight. Their relationship started with a hiss and a growl. But (what a relief) things were getting better every day. On the fifth day they definitely made friends. Hula Tiffany is physically stronger than her companion, but she is nevertheless treating her kindly and considerately. Alexia seems to be a better climber and jumper. Sometimes they fight for fun, often they share in a nap. Hula Tiffany is a curious, courageous, kind, and devoted Ocicat girl. She knows how to win your heart.

Daniel Ivanov


Bottmingen, Switzerland

Dear virtual visitors of Rollick Cattery (part 2)

On February 8 (2006) Anne and Pekka met me at the Airport Helsinki-Vantaa. Unfortunately my flight was late and we didn’t have time for a drink. There was just enough time for a short talk and for Hula’s transfer from one pet carrier to the other. On our flight to Switzerland Hula Tiffany gave a little cat concert (vocal solo). Both flight attendants lingered by the carrier for a while and asked me what breed my little travelling companion was. After a long journey I expected that Hula Tiffany would rush out of the pet carrier and seek water, food, a cat toilet, or a place to hide. But neither of my predictions turned out to be right: she came out slowly, greeted us kindly and gently, and (first of all) made a thorough inspection of the entire house (before having some food and water).

Daniel Ivanov


Bottmingen, Switzerland

Dear virtual visitors of Rollick Cattery (part 1)

Why does a Swiss fly to Helsinki to pick up a young Ocicat lady? Because there is (as far as I could find out) no Ocicat breeder in Switzerland. The nearest Ocicat breeders live in Berlin and in Amsterdam. Since I had to take a flight anyway, I decided to go the long way to Helsinki to meet (in my opinion) the most beautiful Ocicat girl: the tawny spotted Hula Tiffany.

Pekka & Anne


Herttoniemenranta, Helsinki

So, today was the day, when Hula Tiffany left home and flew all the way to Switzerland. It all happened so quickly, we did not have the time to be sad.

It was so nice seeing You Daniel, unfortunately we didn\'t have much time to spend because of the flights. We can only hope that the flights back to Zürich went without difficulties and You both got back in one piece.

Below is the picture of Hula Tiffany, just a moment before we left for airport.

-Pekka & Anne-

Pekka & Anne


Helsinki, Finland

Hi Désirée & Daniel,

Here is an own \"blog\" for Hula Tiffany. It is made for You to write the nice and maybe not so nice things Hula has been doing lately.

This way we will know how Hula is doing, and in the same time, our friends (Hula\'s fans) will know how she is doing.

I hope, I can provide also the photo upload feature, so You can send some photos too.

-Pekka & Anne-

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